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Upload firmware

When you log in for the first time, you will be greeted by the Home Screen where you can upload your first firmware:

Upload first firmware

Click the button to get started.

A popup window will appear. Here you can drag and drop your firmware into the upload area and fill in the upload details.

Upload popup

Vendor name and Product name are mandatory, the rest is optional. It is recommended however to fill in all the available fields, as this information helps the analysis and the subsequent firmware management.

If you leave the Firmware name field empty, ONEKEY automatically generates a firmware name from the provided vendor and product names.

You can also attach a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) file to your firmware.

Upload an SBOM

The inclusion of an SBOM file with the firmware enables ONEKEY to identify components detectable by the platform or to compare and assess the quality of the SBOM. Supported SBOM formats are:

  • CycloneDX JSON (versions 1.2 - 1.6)
  • CycloneDX XML (versions 1.1 - 1.6)

The SBOM file must be uploaded with the firmware image; it is not possible to upload the SBOM at a later point.

To upload just the SBOM, attach it to an empty firmware image. For more information on SBOM-related features, see SBOM management.

Once you have completed the upload window, click on the Start upload button. The duration of the analysis can vary from minutes to hours depending on the firmware size, complexity, and the selected analysis configuration.

If you encounter an error with the analysis, see Partial or no result.


  • Encrypted firmware are not supported.
  • The maximum file size is 10 GiB which includes both the SBOM and the firmware image.
  • Check the upload dialog to see the max file size and the max number of files after the extraction. To increase these limits, contact the support team.
  • You can only upload one file at a time. To upload multiple files, put them in a single archive (for example .zip or .tar).

Once you have uploaded your first firmware, the welcome page will be replaced by your Dashboard:


This page displays:

  • Statistics for all your uploaded firmware images.
  • Your most recent uploads.
  • Analysis details, such as identified issues/CVEs, the number of found components, and the upload dates.

To upload a new firmware, click on the Upload firmware button in the top right corner:

Upload Button